Reckless Abandon has now had two performances. Below is some pictures from the second performance, and I hope to add more pictures later - of either performance. Sunday, to celebrate Reformation Day, both Reckless Abandon and Fair Harbor played. Lead singer for Fair Harbor, Ben Smolin, introduced and opened up for Reckless Abandon as the next "great band." Still, Ryan says that "We have some work to do." The second song did not reach it's full potential due to technical acoustic mal-function. "The distortion did not work properly, and the sound took the guitar way out of tune" says Jef Park. Timothy Winstead was supposed to have a violin solo on this song, but opted to stay out because of the tuning issue. "I heard how the tuning was off, and said to myself, 'This song does not need a violin'" says violinist Timothy Winstead. "This violin solo would have been the kind that would have let people know that Reckless Abandon was for real. Sadly it didn't work," says drummer Ryan Hampton. But perhaps the biggest cheer came when the band began with "Sweet Home Alabama." "You could hear that cheer, and feel like we are on the right track," said lead singer for Reckless Abandon, Jef Park. The band now looks to feature a concert for either Veterens Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. The band also looks to soon record a demo CD. We will keep you updated as the time goes. {To enlarge the pictures, simply right double click on them}.

The set-up

A look at the audience

Ryan Hampton upclose after switching from drums to guitar

Getting set up for the next song

Ryan and Timothy after playing.
Thanks to all who attended. We appreciated your support a lot. God bless, and happy Reformation Day!
1 comment:
lovely pics ryan and i thought ben smolin was in your band well i think i forgot timothy. sowy timmy boy lol since he or you don't even know me!
ok now you just need vidoes!
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